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2003-06-19|8:28 p.m.

Here is what my new hair cut looks like:

I am totally shocked that I did it myself and it doesn�t look horrible. But I guess some people don't like it:

Rumble2fish: yo

shesajarofcandy: hello

Rumble2fish: why did u butch up?

shesajarofcandy: butch up?

Rumble2fish: yeah

Rumble2fish: man up

Rumble2fish: your hair is all art faggy

shesajarofcandy: ha ha ha

Rumble2fish: you even have the black glasses

shesajarofcandy: who is this?

Rumble2fish: the reader of your diary

shesajarofcandy: uh huh

shesajarofcandy: which one?

Rumble2fish: dland

shesajarofcandy: yeah, which diary from dland?

Rumble2fish: i'm sure they're all equally painful to read, so the differentiation isn't really a relevant issue

shesajarofcandy: nah, i happen to like the ones that i read, at least

Rumble2fish: i meant yours

shesajarofcandy: ha ha

shesajarofcandy: well, thanks for being an absolutely unkind person

Rumble2fish: so you prefer absolutely lying persons?

Rumble2fish: your diary was pretty amazing.. you can really express yourself in an interesting way

shesajarofcandy: i'm not sure i asked for your opinion

Rumble2fish: i'm not sure i gave a fuck if u did or not

shesajarofcandy: ha ha

shesajarofcandy: you're sure an angry person

Rumble2fish: yes

Rumble2fish: fuck is an "angry" word

Rumble2fish: all people who fuck are basically angry

Rumble2fish: you must work for NASA

shesajarofcandy: wow... this conversation keeps getting better

Rumble2fish: i'd like to switch and be on your end then

shesajarofcandy: again, very funny

shesajarofcandy: ok... well, i have things to do.

shesajarofcandy: have a nice day.

Oh well, I do. It's nice having it out of my face.


June has been a gloomy month ever since my birthday. I�m quite sure the two are not related, but it is in fact unusual to see San Diego so dark. A, his brother, R and I went to go to the beach, but because of the weather we opted instead for lunch at Pokez (this super cool sorta indie-rocker/vegetarian friendly Mexican food place that even East Coaster diarylanders like Blam can appreciate) and playing like kids at Balboa Park instead.

I took some photos of Downtown San Diego where Pokez is located:

We also took some photos of our time playing at the park:

There was this crazy one person merry-go-round thing there. Having boys there to spin it was probably the worst idea (because they don�t stop when you ask and you are forced to put your feet out and kick them) and I ended up getting sick:


I ended up going to a really nice party at some of K�s friends� house.

It�s a little strange at first when I look around the room and notice that most of them have been a political science TA (which is only a step away from actually being one of my professors) of mine at one point last year. This is the point that I clam up and make sure that I don�t say anything absolutely stupid (which means not talking at all).

They are a funny and entertaining bunch to be around. Basically, all the guys are total dorks. They talked long into the night about comics, nerd driven celibacy, sports, political science (of course), once having braces, and had heated debates over definitions of words. I, of course practically being a nerd male myself (minus a wiener), enjoyed it all entirely.

The girls are all dazzling. They are super smart and have great stories about their own sexual encounters as well, but you quickly get the impression that the guys that are lucky enough to be with them are just that�lucky. And don�t get me wrong, all the stories are told in a completely unassuming manner. The sincerity of their quiet allure is simply a nuance I picked up on myself, making the women even more appealing.

The hostess of the party particularly wins my admiration. She reminds me of a faerie with her cute nose and equally sweet voice. And I have to admit, I have a total �girlie crush� on her in general. I mean, both she and her husband are very cool. Her husband is incredibly witty and all around funny. And she easily works off him, making them a wonderfully cute combination. They are both in K�s year and are all working on getting their PhDs. So, not only are they brilliant but they are also a great group to drink and laugh with.

I wish I had pictures. But, when one can barely speak in front of people, it becomes even harder to snap photos.


My grades aren�t in yet, and I feel restless waiting for them. I really, really hope I didn�t totally mess things up. But if I do get totally crappy grades it might be an incentive to actually go to class. Or not.


this time last year


add a comment(2)
goomba - 2003-06-20 00:35:31
forget that jerk. you are absolutely stunningly beautiful.

steven - 2003-06-20 13:04:31
well, you know, it takes plenty of guts to give a girl grief about her haircut over IM. (I think it's cute.) I remember hearing about Balboa Park last time I was in SD, but didn't make it over...maybe this time! (27 days 'til!)