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2003-05-21|5:16 p.m.

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron." � Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. President, Republican Party


Ha ha ha ha. It took scientists to find this out. Good thing they boiled it down to this idea: "If voters only asked fewer questions, politicians would tell them fewer lies." I was wondering what the solution was.

mikemakesfrowns: did you know you had a right to be lied to?

shesajarofcandy: duh

shesajarofcandy: isn't that the first rule of democracy?

mikemakesfrowns: yeah

mikemakesfrowns: and i would die to defend it

shesajarofcandy: and if you won't, that's what a draft is for!

And this is just kinda cool.


I�ve gone into a seclusion of sorts. I am not really talking to anyone except for MM. I even went through all my old diaries and changed my name to M and did likewise with my friend�s names (as you can see). I feel a bit guarded.


I take my first political theory classes next year which is officially my new major. And I also am pretty sure I will minor in Latin American studies (which require that I take two years of Spanish). So, along with my studies of all those wacky philosophers will be the language of hot, spicy love.


Holden and I were just having a good time.

Since he is my dog, he likes vegetables. We both share an unyielding love for soybeans. So, I cooked up a bunch and was eating them at the computer. Hoping I�d drop one, he was sitting under me. So, I felt uncharacteristically nice, and I dropped him a couple. One of the little green beans bounced a couple times in its fall and he was having a hard time finding it. So, I dropped one near it.

I noticed that he seemed to be having more fun finding them then actually eating them. I threw another one a little further. This made him run all around all excited.

I�d throw a couple at a time to make it harder. The more difficult it became the more he�d run around all happy once he found it.

Then, I suppose I wasn�t challenging him enough. So, he�d hide from me and listen to where they�d drop and then come running once they hit the ground.

Oh my. What a funny dog. Not only does he love art. He loves running around eating soybeans off the ground.


Ah, so why I have been gone:

The Hacker. On the 8th I think I was writing my paper. This guy from ICQ #56946450 (MONDANO) messaged me. He told me he wanted to send me a picture he drew. So, I accepted. My virus program said that it was a virus and says it had to delete it. So, I told him that he was sending me a virus. So, he emailed it to me. Hotmail reiterated what my virus program said. So, I told him that perhaps it was best that he not send me stuff. I figured I was ok since the program said it deleted it.

So, on the 11th I get this Windows pop up message (you know, the ones that look like error messages). It says, �Hello Melissa.� I mean, I know that Bill Gates wanted to be thorough with the newest Windows, but as far as knowing my name, that�s a little creepy. So, I accused MM of messing with my computer. He swore it was not him. And the messages continued. It became apparent that this person could read everything on my screen.

He did annoying things like open my CD ROM drive and close it, change my time and date on the computer, and turn off my computer. I did everything that everyone told me to do. I put in all these fancy programs and firewalls. Nothing worked. This guy got around them all every time.

So, on the 14th the hacker deleted my text files and some pictures I could care less about. But, it pissed me off. I turned off the computer and gave up.

My mom called the police the next day, which is a waste, because they couldn�t do anything for us. And I called my internet service provider. I find out that my IP address is dynamic and somehow this guy is finding my IP address each time I get online. They also couldn�t help me.

I went through what was left of my things on the computer and looked through my ICQ files. I found his file there and opened it up. It occurred to me what happened. There sat an exe file with an icon that looked like some kind of networking thing. It was the virus that allowed him to remotely control my computer. The bastard.

So, I reformatted and got some better firewalls. I hope it works. I still get nervous when boxes pop up on my screen.

Hackers aren�t nice. Don�t talk to this guy.


Ha ha ha. I just found this site. It be da damn dieselest site eva'. Sorry, I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old.


this time last year had two entries


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tigerknight - 2003-05-21 21:57:04
Watch out for ICQ too--wherever you open a hole in a Firewall will let a hacker find you once again...I stayed off ICQ for four years after a gift from one SOB. But I'm glad for taking the risk and chattin' a bit wit ya.