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2002-11-18|2:37 p.m.

I feel like sharing my microcosm with you. Here are some visuals that I have recently taken.

If you will just follow me this way, I will guide you through the tour�.

I live in an apartment complex turned condominium complex. But, it matters little to me since I don�t actually own the place. I still rent. It is a beautiful place. Everything is so green that gardeners work here six days a week.

This is my side of the room. There is my bookcase overflowing with books. Next to it is my wooden writing table my grandmother gave me. The posters remind me of the music that makes me tick and the map is a constant helpful guide.

In the living room, there is a metal clothing-line-like piece of furniture we bought at IKEA. It is my favorite piece of furniture. It holds my water color paintings. I am totally amateur, but it makes me happy to do it. I think Orwell said once that painting was one of the few mediums of art that armatures could do occasionally with success. I don�t know about success in general, but it does the job. I only paint people�s faces.

Outside my apartment is my favorite plant in the world. It is a bougainvillea. Their petals come in all colors and look like leaves. My childhood home was covered in them and the sight of the plant brings me there for a moment.

Here is the boy that I love. He is brilliant and will someday make documentaries that you actually want to watch and finish watching. He has this magical ability to make people want to work together and get something done. He also is a pain in my ass. Leonard Peltier says that it is in the early morning hours that truth arrives to you. It is when I roll over just before my alarm sends ghastly chills down my spin that I see him. Love is this moment.

This dog is the love of my life. Holden is horrible as well. Fitting, I think. He bites strangers and Am. He also disobeys whenever possible whether it be going potty in the house or eating something he isn�t supposed to. He loves me though and somehow it keeps us going.

Along with A, who I share a room with, and R, who sleeps on a futon in our living room (and who may or may not return), there is also Am who has the room next to me. He is hardly ever here, so I had to get a picture of him at A�s mom�s house to put in here. We have an abrasive relationship, which seems the best way to describe it. But, I can honestly say is the �coolest� person I have ever met.

Here is D. I finally got a picture of this camera shy guy. He is the first friend I made here in San Diego. He likes sports and working out, which gives me something new to learn and be introduced to. He is also one of the most generous people I have ever met in my life. When our schedules don�t constantly clash, we hang out.

This boy is J. He has visited me a couple times here in San Diego. We were excellent friends when I lived in the desert. Somehow we have lost touch a bit. He is probably the only sincere hedonist I know. And by hedonist, I don�t mean that he is selfish or no more than the normal person. He just lives life and enjoys its pleasures. He continually teaches me a thing or two.

Here is Mc who I am placing last on this list (which has no particular meaning). He is the most recent friend I have made here in San Diego. He says tragic things like, �Mankind is doomed.� But, really, the whole misanthrope thing is just something he convinces himself he is (in my opinion anyway). Where I am lost in my love for mankind, he is burdened by it, I think. We live in the same emotion, but on different ends of its existence. Mc is beautiful and I am happy to be his friend.


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