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2001-11-02|6:20 p.m.

If I were to compare this week to last week, it would the difference between productive and lazy/depressed.

Last week, we (S, A and Me, basically) had the information rally. It went really well. About 20 to 30 people came to the booth and took the papers we were handing out. Out United Nations advisor, mr. g, set up a few packets for people to read and he had pictures for people to look at from the Middle East. Two packets were about the myths and misconceptions about Islam and the Middle East. One table had a bunch of articles about hate crimes that have preceded the attacks and cookies for people to eat. I wrote up our press packets and wrote up a thing about the United Nations club and we got about 5-6 people sign up to get involved. And the coolest thing was our t-shirts and our matching banner. Everyone wanted a t-shirt when we were there, and now we are thinking of using that as a fundraiser.

Our school paper showed up for the event, which was nice, but it is really a poorly written paper. Unfortunately, our local paper did not. We even contacted three people who work there. Actually, the Assistant Editor emailed us back saying he sent a reporter and said he left because we weren�t there. I have a good feeling it was just a lie, so that they didn�t have to cover it. That paper is so conservative, it is almost sick. Then the Assistant Editor told A that there wasn�t any hate crimes up here in this desert, so it wasn�t really an important topic. A then told him that his very paper had stories about the Indian sikh�s that live up here being harassed and their tires being slashed. Also, he reminded him about a very recent story they had about a Hispanic man being beaten by a couple toting American flags, because they thought he was Arabic. So, basically, the guy felt stupid and got rude. Oh well, I guess I sorta expected it.

Mr. G chose me, for the model United Nations competition, to serve on the section that presents the final proposals. He said that I will also probably be the head delegate. And that I will have to use case law and inernational law to present my arguments. And I will be doing this all in front of about 500 people! I am already a ball of nerves.

Amar, or jcruelty as I better know him, left for Chile. I am already really sad. I liked bugging him and making him tell me interesting things. Which wasn�t hard, because he is always interesting. I also never sent him that letter I promised I would. Maybe, I�ll send it now to Chile!

I was gonna write a lot, because it has been a long time, but I am too tired. Maybe, I�ll finish up tomorrow.

Oh, yeah, I was Wayne, from Wayne�s World, for Halloween.

I just wish I had had a Garth though. Garth Brooks, that is. HA HA HA.

Sorry, lame-o me, makin� jokes.

�The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.�

Word of the Day: tocsin- an alarm bell or the ringing of it/ a warning signal


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