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2001-10-10|9:32 a.m.

I remember when I was about 6 or 7 and my dad bought me a mortar and pestle. My dad was a big chemistry buff and thought that I might have similar interests. I remember taking that mortar and pestle and mixing up perfume, paper, chapstick, and chalk, I think. When they were all combined I wanted to see if it could make me sick enough to die. So, I ate it. I sat for hours convinced that I would never see the next day. I fright overcame me that I have never since been able to shake.

As you can see I didn't die, but I never really liked chemistry either.

A, my boy, is a guy everyone likes. At my work, all the women think he is brilliant. At his work everyone thinks he is brilliant. People are willing to do anything for him, strangers even. At school, all the teachers we have together know his name. They are yet to know mine (even though I get better grades in some of those classes). He is just one of those people.

Funny thing is, he doesn't like most people.

James Taylor was wonderful. MZ was wonderful. I just had a wonderful night. And like all wonderful nights, the next day seems nothing compared to it.

"Back in April when you bought these tickets and said you needed someone to go with, I hoped you'd ask me," I said.

"It was always going to be you, M," MZ said.

MZ and I have been friends forever it seems. But something always makes rifts in our relationship, especially us.

School is making me uneasy. My grades are teetering on unacceptable. I have never gotten anything lower than a "B" in college and plan to keep it that way. But, this semester seems really hard to maintain that. Not that the classes are hard. I don't know what is wrong. I guess I just clash personality-wise with PE, Science, and Math. Speaking of PE, my health teacher is a PE teacher and he is an asshole. My last assignment was given a zero, out of five because I was less than 20 words short of the min. 300 words. Despite the fact that I researched the topic like mad and came up with really good stuff like statistics to prove my point. Ugh. I get mad just thinking about it. I wrote him an email about how I thought it was wrong of him to do it, and he called me and left a message saying he wasn't gonna budge and for some stupid reasons. So, I rewrote him and explained that this class is important to me, that is why I will continue to push this thing. So, push I did. We'll see what he says.

For abnormal psychology we had to write a paper. The paper asked to design an experiment that showed we had an understanding of abnormal psychology and the experimental model. So, I did mine on the general public's understanding of abnormal psychology. The basic results were that the women and older people are more likely to diagnose it correctly, and that people in general are more likely to label behavior abnormal even when it is not. I got my sample of people randomly from AOL's instant messenger service and had three age groups. My most interesting results were a picture of a wiener/butt and a bunch of people now on my block list because they are convinced they love me. Did I tell you I love the general public, lately?

Word of the Day: marionette- puppet often attached to strings.


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