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2001-07-30|5:40 p.m.

I work fulltime as a bookkeeper at a major drug store located only on the west coast. It is probably one of the best jobs that someone my age could get who is also going to school fulltime. I have weekends off and go into work at 7 and get out of work at noon or 4 o�clock and I am left a few hours to do homework or take a nap before going to class at night. But, the best thing about my work is not the hours, or the chance to listen to my music in my own air-conditioned office, or the opportunity to check my email when no one is looking. The best thing is being able to see what people write on money. A lot of the less interesting stuff I see is chain letter type messages that have passed through my hands so often, I know I must be forever doomed to never get rich, fall in love (ha, �I�m always in love�), or just have better luck in general, according to them. But, some of the good stuff that just makes me shake my head, smile, or just laugh is: �gay money�, �vegetarian money�, �black pussy�, �I grow hemp� in a dialogue bubble over washington�s head, �I am eighteen and wanna date you, call this number�.don�t bother if your married,� and a few more I just don�t remember.

I do know that Ryan Adams would have nothing to do with me anyway. I am just some young girl that has a crush/admiration thing going for him that at the most would flatter and turn him off. But, my point is: I am in love with a boy that even an amazing alt. country star couldn�t take me from.

Here is a great Wilco song:


Was I in your dreams, I'd like to know.

Did I touch your hand and did it feel like snow?

Try to understand while I've got you on the phone.

Did I hurt you like I know I can?

Tell me why you'd ever wanna leave your lovin' man.

Try to understand, please try to understand.

Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams?

This dreamer died when his dreamed died too.

But I don't really mind if I dream about you..

I can't say what any of that means.

Oh, was I in your dreams, late last night.

Did you hold pillow, did you squeeze me tight?

I just wanna make everything all right.

Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams, was I?

Was I in your dreams, I'd like to know.

Did I touch your hand and did it feel like snow?

Try to understand while I've got you on the phone.

Did I hurt you like I know I can?

Tell me why you'd ever wanna leave your lovin' man.

Try to understand, please try to understand.

Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams?

This dreamer died when his dreamed died too.

But I don't really mind if I dream about you..

I can't say what any of that means.

Oh, was I in your dreams, late last night.

Did you hold pillow, did you squeeze me tight?

I just wanna make everything all right.

Was I in your dreams, was I in your dreams, was I?


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