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2004-01-25|3:35 a.m.

Loving someone when you cannot share it with them is a really hard thing to deal with. Many an hour spent crying, many a word abused, and all in the honor of such feelings.

I�ve been dreaming of Abe.

It was easier when I only thought of him. It would crash upon my mind often, but I could sleep, dance, drink, or think it away with other thoughts. Even if the pain lingers like a dull ache, there is always something else that can drown out thoughts that hurt you.

But dreaming is another thing altogether. Dreaming possesses you like a moving car. You can�t really jump out of it. You just go with it and bare the pain that it brings.

I loved this person the very moment I met him and I haven�t stopped for six years. And suddenly, it is as if he stopped caring at all for me. He is or was often callous and seldom kind when dealing with our separation. He has the sort of gentleness that is recklessly mean. I�d rather cruelty from him. Cruelty can and will bare a breakage I can comprehend. Kindness without sincerity or compassion is devastatingly addictive and altogether destructive to someone like me.

Even worse still is that I haven�t heard from his mother. I know he�s already told his skewed versions of our story to other friends we shared and I can imagine what she�s been told. It hurts to think I lost a family that very much felt like my own.

Love, love, love.

Tonight, I watched Cold Mountain. It let me cry. For more than the love story it was a pretty good film and for the love story it was almost too much for me. I kept thinking how much it felt applicable. Her pain, her missing, her devotion were all similar in note. Only one thing different�he wanted to return to her. Not so in my story.

Sometimes, I almost feel bitter. But I stop. I don�t want to be bitter and I really don�t want to be angry. So, those feelings come, but I let them pass. I think it means it will take me much longer to heal because of it. But I would rather it that way than to take the chance to rot. I don�t want to decay from my insides. I will opt instead for feeling like flotsam of a shipwreck�scattered and lost.

I hate how acute the pain can feel sometimes.

I let myself love him like he would be the person I would spend the rest of my life with. That�s a dangerous opening up a person can do. But it really wasn�t a choice. It just sort of happened. We will both grow old, but not with each other. It hurts so much that I am glad I have no words for it. I�d not want to share it.

Sometimes I think of my heartbreak like pulling a tree from the ground. Some of the roots are detached and left burrowed in the ground. Some of the roots are pulled up and leave vein-like holes in the soil it once dug through. And ultimately, it leaves a gaping hole. I am not good with my hole in my chest. I keep thinking I need to plant something new in its place. But then when I start to, I have reservations. It feels wrong? It feels scary? Why does it feel like I am betraying my love for him? There is nothing left to honor. He doesn�t want me in his life. I have to just accept that it is over. Do I just need time alone? Will the place where the tree once grew heal over? Readers may write to tell me yes. But I cannot help but think that they�re right, but just not about this. Other people can just get over this. But this for me was more.

I am wrong, huh? Young and foolish? In a lot of ways, I wish for that. Being wrong is the best case scenario.

Six years. Six very formative years. And you just tell me one day that it is over for good.


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Verdine - 2004-01-25 10:42:51
Usually, it mostly does get better, eventually. But sometimes there are parts of it that don't. Sometimes when you love someone wholly, there are aches afterwards that will never ever heal. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Having the opportunity to love that much is a gift, much as it may not feel that way now, and someday you will be glad to find that you have pieces of it left, no matter who else you may ever love. You wonder why you can't let go. Right now, maintaining that attachment serves the purpose of supporting you through your journey, providing a thin rime of denial to help get you to the place where more distance is both healthy and bearable. Be kind to yourself. What you're experiencing is neither small nor simple.

melanie - 2004-01-25 14:20:43
My relationship lasted 6 1/2 years. I'm not going to give you any advice, I am just going to say that I did eventually get beyond the pain. I still ache a little when I think of him because I gave myself completely to him and didn't hold anything back but if he came back today and told me that he had changed I would laugh in his face. Seriously. I hope somday you get to that point. I still dream about my boyfriend from highschool (different guy) and wonder what happened to him. It is always a little unsettling but when I wake up it is like I was just visiting him. I don't know the significance in that but I thought that I would share it with you.

blank - 2004-01-26 01:33:20
Many people with more experience in life and love that care about you will give you advice, words of wisdom, empathy, etc. I won't. I mean - I can't - not because I don't want to, but because I don't have the qualifications. What I do have, however, is common sense - and this is how I see it. People will say "You'll get over it." and "You'll get past the pain" and you will say "Thanks" or "I know" and you will think "But it's different" and "How can I?" and you'll be right. It is different for you because it's different for everybody. And maybe you will get over it and get past the pain, but maybe you won't. Maybe no one does. Maybe that'll make you a better person - a more human person. Maybe that's why most people adore and respect you. It takes a lot out of a person to care so much and not many people bother and you care about so many things so deeply that it does make you different - so it will always be different for you.

angel - 2004-01-26 13:59:29
First & foremost I want to say thank you for the tag regarding 1/23 entry. I'd like to think that I do learn from all of my past mistakes. I'm not sure if I have w/ all of them but it's something to try for this year. I am sad to hear about your love being unreciprocated by this guy. I know how it feels to be ignored like it sounds you are. one can hope that love will prevail & he will come around. in the mean time please let me know if you ever want to chat or grab some tea.

Christy - 2004-01-26 23:46:24
What is the subject line of this entry from?