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2003-10-26|11:11 a.m.

So, this past week has been hell. I won�t talk about it much. I mean, the reason why the week was �hell� was because it was painful in the way that only very personal things can hit you. And though I love having a �diary� to write in, it�s still a public place. Too public sometimes. But if I talk to you on a regular basis online, you probably already know.

Complicated would be an understatement.

And to add insult to injury it was a week full of midterm papers. UCSD is painfully stressful in that my grades usually consist of two things�either two papers or two exams. You-can�t-fuck-this-up is an agonizing burn in your gut.

But now that I�ve focused my political science major to political theory, I�ve been so much happier. I feel like I am at home. I am even sharing a paper I wrote this week. I am not used to sharing that sort of thing on here, but I thought the subject itself�role of the public and political language�was an interesting topic.


I am really bad. Sorry to the person who has me for their mix. I am sending it TODAY. It was done long ago but I am bad about mailing things off. Shame on me.

This was so totally fun though. I�d like to do it again. What do you guys think?

Here is my play list for my mix titled �the story of a year�:

1. feeling good � muse (199 sec.)

2. african friend � clem snide (263 sec.)

3. the upper peninsula � sufjan stevens (203 sec.)

4. magazine called sunset � wilco (156 sec.)

5. the execution of all things � rilo kiley (253 sec.)

6. stars all seem to weep � beth orton (279 sec.)

7. concrete sounds � pinback (240 sec.)

8. all the pretty girls go to the city � spoon (192 sec.)

9. an experiment � mates of state (255 sec.)

10. an aeroplane over the sea � neutral milk hotel (202 sec.)

11. red vines � aimee mann (224 sec.)

12. aurora borealis � tristeza (280 sec.)

13. barbapapa � pipas (133 sec.)

14. things are what you make of it � bishop allen (216 sec.)

15. italian leather sofa � cake (350 sec.)

16. heart � stars (356 sec.)

17. i was a kaleidoscope � death cab for cutie (170 sec.)

18. last broadcast � doves (202 sec.)

19. sleep away your troubles � the softies (209 sec.)

20. murphy bed � mirah (140 sec.)

Here�s what it looks like:


There�s ash in the sky from the fires north of here. It�s somewhat hard to breathe the more north you go. Rust colored and dark:

Update: the fires are not far from my work. I doubt I am going into work today. I mean, the route to get there is blocked off and I'd have to take a back route and it seems unwise. The fires are still moving and have burned a bunch of homes down and killed people. It's unwise to go, I think.


I am half done reading Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Idiot. It�s really funny. Mostly, because I don�t mind the fact that liberals don�t mind pushing back on the playground every once in a while.


Racism is nothing new with Rush:

�Stupid, unskilled Mexicans.�

�Have you ever noticed how all the newspaper composites pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?�

And I am not done with the book. Why is it now a big deal? Plus, how is it that there are so many racists in politics, namely Republicans? I don�t get it. George Bush, Strom Thurmond, Robert Bork, Reagan, and others all voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and it doesn�t bother anyone?! And what�s with David Duke? He was a KKK member was still elected as one of Lousianna's state legislators? And Reagan served TWO terms as our governor here in CA? What the fuck?

I mean, knowing this these individual things before, it�s not really a shock; but when you straddle the whole idea at once it�s nauseating.

They voted against making it illegal to not serve blacks in places of business!!! Reagan argued that you �cannot legislate morality.� What?! Isn�t shoving their goddamn Judeo-Christian religious morality down our throats like a major platform?

But treating people fairly on the basis of their skin is a hurdle our nation cannot address. Nice.

Anyway. The book is a good read.


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