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2002-11-02|12:48 a.m.

This is a converstation, like many, where I babbled on and on to Mike, my dearest friend. He, of course, tolerates it. But, I wanted to share it with you, because I think it relates to the last entry and a few from before.

shesajarofcandy: i was glad to hear how hopeful michael moore was

mikemakesfrowns: that's why he does what he does

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: it makes me all emotional

shesajarofcandy: just thinking about it

shesajarofcandy: i was thinking

shesajarofcandy: about how the collective action problem thing

shesajarofcandy: we learned about in political science

shesajarofcandy: with those 95% of people who free ride

shesajarofcandy: and those maybe 5% who put in their share for the betterment of the larger group

shesajarofcandy: about how that was like life

shesajarofcandy: the 95% is full of all kinds of people

shesajarofcandy: people who don't know to care and live in little ignorant bubbles

shesajarofcandy: people who know, but don't care because they care only of themselves

shesajarofcandy: people who care but are too afraid to put forth effort

shesajarofcandy: people who know but lost faith in putting forth effort because they distrust the bigger group

shesajarofcandy: and then there is the 5%

shesajarofcandy: they understand above all

shesajarofcandy: how important it is to just care

shesajarofcandy: and give what they can

shesajarofcandy: to help the group

shesajarofcandy: maybe they know the 95% exists

shesajarofcandy: or not

shesajarofcandy: but they push forward

shesajarofcandy: in the idea that good is just that....good

shesajarofcandy: it all reminds me of when A told me he met kofi annan's wife at the model UN

shesajarofcandy: and how she sat in on his small committee

shesajarofcandy: and

shesajarofcandy: how she was tearing up

shesajarofcandy: and i imagine it was because she was so proud to see kids working together

shesajarofcandy: to think about the world

shesajarofcandy: and how they could make it a better place

shesajarofcandy: and despite all the horrible things she must know happen

shesajarofcandy: and being kofi's wife

shesajarofcandy: she really must know

shesajarofcandy: she still cries

shesajarofcandy: all those things

shesajarofcandy: they still impact her

shesajarofcandy: she never grew a hard shell

shesajarofcandy: because a hard shell is just that

shesajarofcandy: a shell

shesajarofcandy: and it may keep all the bad stuff out

shesajarofcandy: but it also keeps everything out

shesajarofcandy: and you lose

shesajarofcandy: you lose touch with the world

shesajarofcandy: and that

shesajarofcandy: is the most horrible thing in the world

(By the way, Kofi Annan is the Secretary General of the UN and his wife's name, I just learned, is Nane.)


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