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2002-04-05|7:58 p.m.

So, I am back from NY, the beautiful city that it is. I felt homesick the minute I left it. I decided to let you really know how I felt about the weeklong experience and share my conversation with my best friend Mike to you, Diary. This is me like you have never seen me (ha ha ha, and it is long):

mike: hey there

shesajarofcandy: long time no see, eh?

mike: very long

mike: how is everything?

shesajarofcandy: not so good

shesajarofcandy: a lot of not good things are happening

mike: oh no

mike: what's wrong?

shesajarofcandy: my uncle that was sick with cancer...

shesajarofcandy: you remember him right?

mike: yes i do

shesajarofcandy: he is the one that lives with my grandma

mike: i know

shesajarofcandy: well while we were in NY

shesajarofcandy: he got really bad

shesajarofcandy: and went to the hospital

shesajarofcandy: they are giving him two weeks to live

mike: oh geez

shesajarofcandy: i visited my grandma's twice last week

shesajarofcandy: he is back there

shesajarofcandy: she is really broken up about it

shesajarofcandy: everyone around her is dying

shesajarofcandy: and so when this happens

shesajarofcandy: it is going to hit her very hard

shesajarofcandy: i'm going down there saturday night

shesajarofcandy: to be with her

shesajarofcandy: i didn't know how to be with my uncle

shesajarofcandy: i tried to talk only in the present tense

shesajarofcandy: as if all was fine

shesajarofcandy: but it was hard

shesajarofcandy: how do you tell someone that you have valued them so much in your life without bringing up the past

shesajarofcandy: he cried many times when i was there, sitting near his bed

shesajarofcandy: i have been so low lately

shesajarofcandy: plus other stuff is weighing on me

shesajarofcandy: but this is the most effectual

shesajarofcandy: you there?

mike: yup

shesajarofcandy: you ok?

mike: yeah, i'm ok

shesajarofcandy: we are getting evicted the 16th

shesajarofcandy: the house is being sold shortly after that

shesajarofcandy: so i have to move in with A

mike: april?

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: which sorta makes me sad

shesajarofcandy: yeah this month

mike: sad to leave?

shesajarofcandy: both

shesajarofcandy: i don't want to live here

shesajarofcandy: it is too crowded and too stressful

mike: yeah

shesajarofcandy: and i haven't heard from any of my colleges

mike: that's strange

shesajarofcandy: and i am beginning to think that i am going to get rejected

mike: your check cleared and everything, right?

shesajarofcandy: right

shesajarofcandy: it says on the web site that everything is ok

shesajarofcandy: with them receiving it

shesajarofcandy: and the check clearing

mike: this has nothing to do with rejection

shesajarofcandy: i just keep getting a bad fear that i filled something out incorrectly

shesajarofcandy: and now i am screwed

mike: what could possibly have gone wrong?

shesajarofcandy: aram hasn't heard from anyone

shesajarofcandy: besides the one

shesajarofcandy: that he was rejected from

shesajarofcandy: and A

shesajarofcandy: he only heard from santa barbara

mike: that's just how it is, i guess

mike: it doesn't mean anything

shesajarofcandy: well the latest that they come out is May 1st

shesajarofcandy: i just thought that the later they come....

shesajarofcandy: the less likely that you made it

mike: nope.......totally unrelated

shesajarofcandy: are you sure?

mike: yup

shesajarofcandy: A says i worry too much

mike: that's a fair statement

shesajarofcandy: but i wish i could just find out

shesajarofcandy: and get peace of mind

mike: you are impatient and you worry too much, and the combo together might have synergized

shesajarofcandy: mike...

mike: hmm?

shesajarofcandy: i have a lot of work to do for these classes too!

shesajarofcandy: i need to go back to NY

mike: haha why?

shesajarofcandy: i really loved it there

mike: wow, little town girl LOVES the big city?

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: and to be honest...i thought i would hate it

shesajarofcandy: i really did...then i found myself smiling there all the time

mike: it's a different kind of place than the big cities over here

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: more lively

shesajarofcandy: it is really true that the city comes alive at night

shesajarofcandy: the streets are brighter at night

shesajarofcandy: because the buildings are so tall every where in Manhattan

shesajarofcandy: at day it is dark

shesajarofcandy: but at night the lights illuminate everything

mike: oh yeah, that makes sense now that i think of it

shesajarofcandy: the street vendors are the best

mike: how come?

shesajarofcandy: they are all Jamaican

shesajarofcandy: and they are funny

mike: hehe

shesajarofcandy: and we had a good time trying to get them to change their prices

mike: =O

mike: you haggled!

shesajarofcandy: and ....

shesajarofcandy: the pizza....

shesajarofcandy: is truly the best

mike: =*)

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: i had a spinach and broccoli one

shesajarofcandy: ummm

shesajarofcandy: and i only ate one piece

shesajarofcandy: and then gave the other to a homeless guy!

shesajarofcandy: he was very happy to have it, and i was surprised to see he liked it.

mike: wow, that is great

mike: what else???

shesajarofcandy: well we went sight seeing

shesajarofcandy: i saw ground zero

shesajarofcandy: (even though i hate calling that site seeing)

shesajarofcandy: i wasn't so emotional there as i thought i would be

shesajarofcandy: what really hit me was this board wall that central station built for them

shesajarofcandy: it had a whole bunch of postings on it of people that lost their lives in the WTC and flowers and other commemorative things

mike: is it big?

shesajarofcandy: we were all as a group there looking at it and this guy came up

shesajarofcandy: no it is fairly small

shesajarofcandy: it isn't everyone .... just a place for a few

shesajarofcandy: and the guy touched one of the pictures, kissed it, and said, "i miss you," as tears streamed down his face

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: then he left

shesajarofcandy: none of us talked

shesajarofcandy: i almost broke down

shesajarofcandy: but then A started sobbing and it saved me

shesajarofcandy: i just consoled him

mike: he did?

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: the next most visibly sad person was kevin

shesajarofcandy: he didn't let anyone see though

shesajarofcandy: i mean that is a lot when i remember only a few months ago he was telling me shocking war stories while drunk and laughing matter of factly

shesajarofcandy: but i always knew it was just a facade

mike: yeah, probably a necessary one

shesajarofcandy: right

shesajarofcandy: the other ground zero related thing i saw was the statue that was outside the WTC

shesajarofcandy: it was this big metal ball

shesajarofcandy: that some guy constructed that represented world peace

shesajarofcandy: it was pretty wrecked

shesajarofcandy: but intact

shesajarofcandy: i mean seeing that really showed the intensity of the impact

mike: oh, i just wasn't clear on whether it was in the crashes, or if it was put there because of them, part of a memorial

mike: now i gotcha

shesajarofcandy: we also rode the subway

shesajarofcandy: that was fun

shesajarofcandy: and we went to wall street

shesajarofcandy: and i went to the building there that Washington took his oath

shesajarofcandy: that was neat

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: i imagined the little men in funny clothes walking up and down the steps

mike: also: powdered wigs

shesajarofcandy: yep

mike: hehehehe

shesajarofcandy: and you know that big brass bull that is there on wall street

mike: yup

shesajarofcandy: the one that is for some stock company

shesajarofcandy: well everyone was taking pictures with it

shesajarofcandy: and i thought it would be funny to take a picture with it too

shesajarofcandy: but

shesajarofcandy: (there is a pun in that)

shesajarofcandy: i took a picture with its butt

mike: ah!

mike: hehehehe

shesajarofcandy: we went to a really old church too

shesajarofcandy: and i walked in its graveyard

mike: like anne rice mentions

shesajarofcandy: some of the grave stones were from the late 1700's

shesajarofcandy: it was amazing

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: a lot of little kids and babies

shesajarofcandy: the stones all had faces of angels with wings or skeletons with wings on the tops

shesajarofcandy: like i have read about

shesajarofcandy: but have never seen

mike: yeah, i remember that.....did you show me that or did i read it somewhere else? like there was a big switch in graveyard art......i think it might have been in my folklore class

shesajarofcandy: maybe

mike: not graveyard art, that's a bad term

shesajarofcandy: hehehe yeah

shesajarofcandy: i went in the church too

shesajarofcandy: it was amazing

shesajarofcandy: it smelt like old wood

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: and it was cool and motionless like all old buildings

mike: was it still used even today?

shesajarofcandy: and it was Easter!

mike: oh wow

shesajarofcandy: i have never been in a church on a holiday

shesajarofcandy: yeah there were people there praying

shesajarofcandy: another moment i wished i was catholic

mike: hehe

mike: yes, we get all the perks!

mike: free wine on sundays

shesajarofcandy: what are you talking about? are you even catholic anymore?

shesajarofcandy: don't you have to attend church at all?

shesajarofcandy: hehehe

mike: ummmmm

mike: i believe the 5th commandment says i don't have to incriminate myself, or something like that.....i'm not too clear about all that stuff

shesajarofcandy: yeah, the catholics never are.

mike: zing!

shesajarofcandy: i went to times square

mike: at night?

shesajarofcandy: that was strange

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: it is a land of billboards

shesajarofcandy: but guess what i saw!

mike: what!

shesajarofcandy: the adbuster billboard!

mike: they have one??

shesajarofcandy: the anti-ads one

mike: what's it like

mike: i don't recall it

shesajarofcandy: the corporate flag is being spray painted on by a guy

shesajarofcandy: and it says something like fighting the corporate mindset ....or something like that

shesajarofcandy: i took a picture

mike: hehe

mike: did you take lots of pictures?

shesajarofcandy: one roll

shesajarofcandy: is all

shesajarofcandy: i wanted to see....more than capture

shesajarofcandy: they have frozen yogurt trucks there!

shesajarofcandy: it is soooo delicious

mike: i and the ephemeral!

mike: like ice cream trucks?

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: and wonderful delis that stay open all night

shesajarofcandy: and fun bars

mike: bars, eh?!

shesajarofcandy: that i had to sneak into

mike: hehehe

shesajarofcandy: kevin bought me a couple beers

mike: that was nice of him

shesajarofcandy: he always had women around him

mike: hehehhe

mike: were they babes?

shesajarofcandy: mostly these girls from a girl's school

shesajarofcandy: not really

shesajarofcandy: but hey.... i am picky

mike: yeah, me too

shesajarofcandy: my favorite part of the trip was this guy we saw at the dock where you could see the statue of liberty

shesajarofcandy: he sat playing a harmonica and a noise making thing

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: i became drunk by the moment

mike: did you stay and listen a while?

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: but i wanted to stay and sit next to him

shesajarofcandy: but the group wanted to go

shesajarofcandy: it was also my biggest regret

shesajarofcandy: i should have just sat next to him

shesajarofcandy: i thought to myself later, 'this is what music really is."

shesajarofcandy: some old man playing for a crowd with no attention

shesajarofcandy: with music that never falters in its honesty

shesajarofcandy: it is always just there as he makes it

shesajarofcandy: everyone could be watching or no one

shesajarofcandy: and he would play the same i imagine

mike: yeah

shesajarofcandy: and all he gets is what people put in his hat

shesajarofcandy: so that was mostly what i did

shesajarofcandy: walk a lot

shesajarofcandy: and look a lot

shesajarofcandy: (and listen)

mike: hehe, and feel a lot

shesajarofcandy: and smell!

shesajarofcandy: NY smells

mike: how does it smell?

shesajarofcandy: bad, good and everything between

shesajarofcandy: you'll hit a spot and think, 'man, i wish i didn't step there."

mike: hehehehe

shesajarofcandy: the competition was not so good for me

mike: why is that?

shesajarofcandy: i don't like those kind of people

shesajarofcandy: imagine a room of almost 200 people (not all of them show up) that are all like rese witherspoon's character in election

mike: were they ruthless?

shesajarofcandy: to say the least

mike: i was thinking of jeff allison

shesajarofcandy: nah, i can push off those types

shesajarofcandy: those types anger quickly and shut themselves down

shesajarofcandy: these are careful and out for blood

mike: do you mean on a professional level?

shesajarofcandy: everything

shesajarofcandy: women are the worst

mike: m!

shesajarofcandy: they would talk about each others clothes and whisper about each other

shesajarofcandy: at least the men just ignore each other if they don't want to work with someone else

shesajarofcandy: women need to alienate their enemies and crush them

mike: that settles it....chicks should stay out of politics

shesajarofcandy: at first i was very upset with aaron for not coming

mike: i got upset with him too, but not because i thought you couldn't handle it

shesajarofcandy: ha ha ha...who would all the male politicians have to sleep with then?

mike: flight attendants

shesajarofcandy: or cheat on their wives i should say.

mike: it's not cheating if you're rich, duh

shesajarofcandy: oh yeah

shesajarofcandy: well aaron shouldn't have left me like that

shesajarofcandy: and not even called

mike: i know

shesajarofcandy: he was my partner

shesajarofcandy: he should have called to see i was ok

shesajarofcandy: part of me doesn't believe he was sick

mike: even aram was a bit mad at him

shesajarofcandy: it was impossible to work that committee alone

shesajarofcandy: the body chose to talk about children's health initiatives first

shesajarofcandy: and big comittees like that only get to the first topic

shesajarofcandy: everyone immediately started working on papers

shesajarofcandy: they all sounded the same

shesajarofcandy: give kids drugs and clean up the areas they live in

shesajarofcandy: and of course, my country, Iceland supports these thigns

mike: not devise an infrastructure to sustain it all

mike: and build from there

shesajarofcandy: well, i got the Noric bloc to push for improving children's labor issues

shesajarofcandy: that cause a lot of health problems for children

shesajarofcandy: i tried to get other groups to put this in their papers

shesajarofcandy: but everyone wanted to be working on their OWN ideas

shesajarofcandy: and said things like, "that is a good idea, but not for this paper. why don't you write your own?"

mike: nobody would listen?

shesajarofcandy: so, we did.

shesajarofcandy: it was great fun

mike: hahahhah!

mike: i didn't expect you to say that

shesajarofcandy: a group of us put all our efforts into it

shesajarofcandy: and i think i can honestly say, putting aside humility, that it was a good paper

shesajarofcandy: we worked a whole day on it

shesajarofcandy: and then turned it in the the director

shesajarofcandy: and she turned it away!

mike: what?!

mike: did she give a reason?

shesajarofcandy: she said that it didn't address children's health enough

shesajarofcandy: and that we should combine it to another paper

shesajarofcandy: but i knew that wasn't going to happen

shesajarofcandy: the director was just too overwhelmed i think

mike: is the director someone not competing?

shesajarofcandy: the main judge

shesajarofcandy: it is insane though

shesajarofcandy: we had all these good statistics

shesajarofcandy: like 70% of children that work (the age's are between 5-10) are working in unsafe condiditons

shesajarofcandy: how is that not related to children's health

shesajarofcandy: if other groups could write paper's about child prostitution

shesajarofcandy: then why not this?

mike: because health only includes things that pills fix, duh

shesajarofcandy: one girl in our group said that she has a very narrow view of children's health

shesajarofcandy: i think she is right

mike: the director, you mean

shesajarofcandy: no

shesajarofcandy: the girl

mike: you mean that your group just had too wide a frame for "health"?

shesajarofcandy: no

shesajarofcandy: the girl was saying that the director had a narrow view of what was children's health

mike: that's what i said the first time!

shesajarofcandy: urgh

shesajarofcandy: ok

shesajarofcandy: after director rejected it .... we had the plague

shesajarofcandy: no one wanted to work with us

mike: =O

mike: oh

mike: that's sorta not reassuring

shesajarofcandy: but luckily for others in my group.... they had partners that were working on other things

shesajarofcandy: i was just by myself

shesajarofcandy: and that was that

mike: would you join the team in sd if you go there?

shesajarofcandy: i would do this again

shesajarofcandy: but i would be the same

mike: work the same, or same results, you mean?

shesajarofcandy: i would try to introduce a controversial issue again

shesajarofcandy: and i would not stop being me

mike: oh, that's what i hoped you meant

mike: i know you would, you would be true to yourself as well as the country you represent

shesajarofcandy: i got very emotional that night she rejected it

mike: sad and angry?

shesajarofcandy: i knew it was over then for me

shesajarofcandy: yeah'

shesajarofcandy: mr. g was pretty mad too

shesajarofcandy: most everyone else did really well though

shesajarofcandy: A and kevin especially

mike: mad for you?

shesajarofcandy: in their small committees....i guess it wasn't so bad

shesajarofcandy: (yeah he was mad for me)

shesajarofcandy: there were something like 2,400 people in the competition

mike: holy smokes

shesajarofcandy: from 12 countries

shesajarofcandy: and i guess you know we didn't win an award

shesajarofcandy: but a lot of people were shocked to hear that we didn't

shesajarofcandy: which was nice to hear

shesajarofcandy: oh...

shesajarofcandy: i got to go to the UN building before and after

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: and i got to sit on the floor the last day with A

shesajarofcandy: of the great hall

shesajarofcandy: the place that only real delegates and students in the competition are allowed to go

mike: is that where real UN business goes down

shesajarofcandy: yeah

shesajarofcandy: and we got to vote on the final papers and resolutions that other committees did during the week

shesajarofcandy: and we got to use the buttons to vote

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: which display the votes for each country on huge screens

mike: how did you get the chance?

shesajarofcandy: i was in general assembly plenary

shesajarofcandy: that is the main committee that does that in real life

shesajarofcandy: and i got to speak on the floor

mike: wow

shesajarofcandy: that was the best part

mike: to the whole crowd? what did you say?

mike: is that the minute-long speeches?

shesajarofcandy: it was a procedural speech urging other countries to not vote to take out a clause in a resolution

mike: (i'm looking at a picture of that room, it's insane)

mike: wow were you nervous?!?!

shesajarofcandy: we tried to make real speeches but were never called on

shesajarofcandy: no...i had it all written out

shesajarofcandy: i wrote out a formula while i was there and had about 7 speeches ready .... but they never called on us

mike: wow, i'd still be nervous if it was 10 words long

shesajarofcandy: nah, i was too excited

mike: that's so awesome!

shesajarofcandy: after the bad day i was relaxed...i stopped caring about awards and making mr. g happy

shesajarofcandy: i just cared about being there and learning

shesajarofcandy: i made friends!

mike: wow

mike: from across the world?!?!!?!

shesajarofcandy: a girl from Italy and i met early in NY before competition and i thought she was charming

shesajarofcandy: and i thought to myself, 'i'd love to work with her."

shesajarofcandy: but the chances were slim because she represented Mauritius

shesajarofcandy: a small island country in the Indian ocean

shesajarofcandy: but she came to work on my paper!

mike: yeah, i know Mauritius

mike: it has a large Indian population

mike: wow!

shesajarofcandy: and she made the perfect comment about the director

mike: what was it

shesajarofcandy: she was very beautiful too

shesajarofcandy: the one about being narrow

shesajarofcandy: and very intelligent

shesajarofcandy: she kissed my cheeks when we said goodbye!

shesajarofcandy: and gave me her card and said that we should keep in touch

mike: wow yeah!

shesajarofcandy: then i made friends with a guy that represented Norway!

mike: that's amazing

mike: uh oh!

shesajarofcandy: he helped a lot on the paper

mike: norway!

shesajarofcandy: and he saved me from becoming totally invisible there

mike: how do you mean/

shesajarofcandy: because he helped be a partner for me

shesajarofcandy: like signing me to papers and such

shesajarofcandy: he is from cal state fullerton

shesajarofcandy: and he bought be lunch once

shesajarofcandy: hehehe

mike: hehe

shesajarofcandy: i think he was fond of me

shesajarofcandy: hehehe

mike: i can imagine

shesajarofcandy: he wants me to visit him

mike: =O

shesajarofcandy: he works at the nixon library

shesajarofcandy: and said he'd give me a free tour

shesajarofcandy: ha ha ha

mike: wow

mike: you know what that means!

shesajarofcandy: the girl from italy's name is Silvia

shesajarofcandy: and his name is Adam

mike: what's her last name

shesajarofcandy: he is goofy like Kyle

mike: hehe

shesajarofcandy: and looks like him in some ways

shesajarofcandy: and says silly things

mike: like what

shesajarofcandy: i forget her last name

shesajarofcandy: most of us couldn't remember names

shesajarofcandy: because we have to refer to people by their country

shesajarofcandy: people lose identity

shesajarofcandy: i am now Iceland

mike: hehehe

shesajarofcandy: and then the people from Norway knew a German girl named Simone that was representing Mexico

shesajarofcandy: and she was super cool

shesajarofcandy: we all watched the news together at lunch and she and i talked about politics

shesajarofcandy: of course you know...that is when things in Israel intensified

mike: yeah

shesajarofcandy: simone looked like jodi foster

shesajarofcandy: and she didn't wear any makeup

shesajarofcandy: and she had a nose ring

mike: (good!)

shesajarofcandy: but it was amazing

mike: (the makeup, not the nose ring)

shesajarofcandy: the nose ring

mike: (not to exclude the nose ring)

shesajarofcandy: it didn't even stand out

shesajarofcandy: A made the comment that it looked as if it belonged

shesajarofcandy: and i don't like nose rings

shesajarofcandy: but it just was so simple

shesajarofcandy: i didn't get her email or anything so i was sad

mike: well i'd like to see that....i don't like them either (arthi has one and i think it sucks, personally)

mike: yeah, but maybe adam norway has it, hmmmm?

shesajarofcandy: i am hoping

shesajarofcandy: Adam lived in the high desert for some time

mike: wow

mike: whereabouts?

shesajarofcandy: and his partner graduated from VVC

shesajarofcandy: i forget

shesajarofcandy: once i forgot about the bad things NY was perfect

shesajarofcandy: hehehe

mike: hehehe, i'm glad you had all this fun


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