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2002-03-11|8:11 p.m.

I feel like writing. So, here I am again today.

There is a man who works for my company's general office named Wes Anderson, like the director. I keep forgetting to tell A about him. A likes the director and may be impressed that he works for my company. There is also a man who writes checks at my store named Bill Withers, like the musician. I know. Neither of these guys are the real celebrities. But, until she died, Dale Evans was a frequent shopper here. And yes, the real "B" Western movie actress graced her hand upon checks that I would later encode and send to the bank.

I was playing with some new Burt's Bees products we got in at my store and now I have the smell of patchouli on my hands. It makes me think of that line in High Fidelity where John Cusack complains that a patchouli smellin' jerk stole his girlfriend. I am a patchouli smellin' girl.

So, my friend Cara from Oklahoma will be out here soon. We were best friends in high school. I later introduced her to A's best friend Nic and a love connection was made. Shortly after high school ended they were pregnant and married. Now, a few years later, they are pregnant again and they are out to visit family and friends. I am really excited to see her as I was the last time she came out when she was pregnant the first time. Only, now we never write each other. Mostly because I never right her back and she now only writes A. Still, I enjoy the idea that I will finally meet their daughter.

When I was in tenth grade I was chosen "most likely to become president of the United States." Funny, that.

A is becoming very close friends with a guy in high school that used to be pretty mean to me. His name is Aram, and from what I have seen is quite different now. I always thought he was very interesting though. He did strange things to get attention and said pretty clever things at all moments. Even still, I was really bitter towards him for treating me like I was a nerd with leprosy.

I am going to stop being lazy and post some more pictures. I have decided. Some of those from the wedding so long ago when I transformed into what MM called a "sorority-looking girl." Also, some of Holden, my pup. And maybe a few of my life, whatever that may be.

I am getting a little nervous now that I won't be accepted to any of the schools that I applied to. I don't know why, it is just the way I function.

You know what is wonderful? The sky here where I live. At dusk, the sun falls behind the rocky, dark mountains and the sky turns orange, then red, then pink, then purple, then finally all is black with tiny stars twinkling. Only in the desert does the dusk move through the rainbow backwards like that. When all turns black, you know you sit here under an infinite sky.


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