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2001-11-18|10:09 a.m.

Driving in most of California is truly like no where else in the world. Okay, maybe there are other large metropolis areas like New York that are bad to drive in. The thing is, I never realized that people were basically inconsiderate drivers until I drove in other states. When I drove in Arkansas, it was amazing, people would wave at you as they passed. That is something to me, when most people here will purposely keep you from entering a busy driving lane just because they know that you depend on them to let you in. But I don't think driving habits here are purely based on the fact that the cities are large. It is simply become a Californian attitude that wherever you must be going is far more pressing and important than anyone else around you is. Sometimes, I find myself giving people my most shocked and disappointed face, that is if they are even looking at you, acknowledging your presence. Californians are nice people though. If I were to send a foreign national anywhere in the US it would be here. We love to welcome people from other countries; heck, most of us can't trace our families' lines back very far without jumping into another country. Something all together different happens when we jump into our freakin' SUV's though.

"I was thinking that night/ about Elvis,/ the day that he died./ Just a country boy,/ combed his hair,/ put on a shirt his mother made/ and he went on the air. And he shook it like a chorus girl�."

I am at work, and I should be working. But I don't wanna.

I love bagels and cream cheese. There is this New York deli about thirty minutes from where I live that serve the best, freshest bagels ever, and I'd move in there if I could.

I have been thinking very seriously about joining the Peace Corps after I get my bachelor's degree. I was even thinking of getting my nursing certification before I went so that I would actually have something to give to people when I went. It is a year or more though. And with all the bad things I keep hearing about it, I feel nervous about it. And maybe it shouldn't be an easy decision, right? But, I just can't see myself becoming a civil rights lawyer or a INS lawyer without traveling to these places on earth. I mean, how do I represent the concerns of people I have no personal experience with? I have a couple years to think about it.

I have a confession to make: I don't really balance my checkbook. I sorta keep a running log of it in my head. I told you I wasn't meant to be a bookkeeper and keep some business' accounts running.

"I dream of highways to you"

My favorite time of day is about 9-11 in the morning. My brain feels fresh and roaring to go. Most other times it feels tired and ready for a nap.

When I was in kindergarten, I brought home a worksheet that involved me recognizing the number "8" form the number "9." My dad decided to help me with my homework that night. I kept having a problem remembering the shape of each one related to its name. I just kept getting them mixed up. The more I'd mix them up, the more nervous I got, the more frustrated my dad got with me, the more I messed up. The cycle continued. Finally, my dad got really upset and told me, "Stop screwing around M. You know how to do this, you just aren't trying. If you mix them up again, I am going to hit you." I cried and promised I was trying, but it was useless. And with this threat I became even more emotional and couldn't think at all. I messed up again. My dad followed through with his promise. And I was sent to bed.

I hate math to this day. And I mean I "hate" it.

Last night (or early this morning), I got up at one with A and MM (who is up here from LA visiting!) to watch the asteroid ice show. It was so amazing. Every twenty seconds or so, one would shoot through the sky, leaving a white trail that would stay in the sky for a second or so. We stayed out there watching it on A's trampoline for about forty minutes. If it wasn't so cold (maybe 30-40 degrees), we might have stayed out longer. I am glad that the skies in the desert are fairly clear.

Those kinds of beautiful things make me sad that someday I will die.

I worry too much that people don't like me.

Word of the day: jejune- lacking nutritive value/ devoid of significance or interest / juvenile, puerile.

"I wanna sing that Rock 'n Roll/ I wanna electrify my soul."


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