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2004-02-20|3:47 a.m.

A lot of big news is/has been happening and I have listed them here:

For one, I am exclusively and formally dating a girl. I might talk about it at a later time, but for now I sort of feel fiercely protective of it and don�t wish to go into detail.

For two, I dropped all my classes and am taking a break this quarter. I have to make up all the units I dropped before the year is over, though. But I don�t mind. I just really hit a low point and even though I am doing much better, recovering from the damage done during that low point wasn�t really possible. I�ve also taken a break from work and volunteering. I am doing absolutely nothing but spend time with people I like and relaxing. And, I only slightly feel bad for it.

For three, I go to church with my mom a lot. It makes her happy and her being happy makes my life easier. Plus, I am learning to be around people I might normally avoid at all costs. That in itself makes me learn a lot about myself and allows me the ability to get to know people I wouldn�t normally. It makes me feel really lucky for some reason.

For four, I finally met Christy this past weekend. She is a diarylander that I adore and that transition from digital life to real life was all that I thought it would be and more.

(Christy and me in Aram�s apartment this weekend)

We got along really well and the same went with my friends she met. Our weekend was spent: drinking in my ex-roommates cute, studio apartment while he was gone and didn�t know we were there; hiding gummy bears in his apartment that he won�t find for a long time; listening to a wannabe Bright Eyes band play live; listening and loving (at least I am speaking for myself) Britney Spears� new song �Toxic;� buying music I cannot afford; learning how to knit in a hipster bar in the afternoon; buying shoes, pink tights, and a shirt I cannot afford; and receiving the worst service at a restaurant I have ever had.

For five, Jessi came down again this last weekend and it was really fun especially when we all learned to knit.

(Jessi and me a few months out of high school)

She is really awesome. We both share a love for clothes/fashion that could almost make us shallow (and it might still seem so to some), but we also balance that out with a love for our areas of academia. For her it is feminist theory and art. For me it is political theory and social issues. We also both love to dance.

For six and related again to Jessi, she, Anna, and I are going on a almost two week long road trip and stay to/in Arcata where she went to school (but unlike myself, has graduated).

(Anna, me, and Jessi smoking Nate Sherman�s Fantasias)

We will leave the 4th and get back around the 12th. The first couple days of our trip will be spent in San Francisco. And the rest of the time will be spent in Arcata itself. I am excited to go.

For seven, I had a rad Friday evening last week. It began at an art show at my university where the previously mentioned ex-roommate had an instillation for a show focused on gay sexual art. His piece was a closet that was supposed to represent his mother�s. You bring a flashlight and sunglasses if you wish and you spend seven minutes making out with him while in there. Needless to say, I didn�t get the full affect of this piece and just sorta checked the closet itself out sans ex-roommate. There were two other pretty interesting pieces there too. One was a room called �Pornocopia,� which was a mini theater of gay men�s porn put to an interesting soundtrack. The next interesting piece was my favorite because it involved Anna being uncomfortable. One person, in our case it was Anna, crawls through a small tube-like entrance into a room blown up and made of trash bag materials. In the room is a guy with a bed. He puts on music and gives that person a lap dance. Five other people, which for us was a stranger, Jessi, two of Anna�s friends, and me, get to be voyeurs looking into the blow up room while it happens. The funniest part was, for all the other groups we were there to hear, he played stripper type music like Britney Spears� �Toxic� and Beyonce�s �Crazy in Love.� For Anna, he played a couple Mirah songs. If you don�t know Mirah, you should think girl with super cute voice singing sweet wistful love songs on an acoustic guitar. Once he put on the song he had Anna lie on the bed where he spooned with her and then after that he had her slow dance with him and once that was over he had he sit on the bed again while he proceeded to hump the ground in front of her. Anyway, it was a good laugh. Everyone else got sexy lap dances and Anna got a romantic evening finished off by watching her date gyrate his pelvis inches above the ground. I think it means she�s special. Oh, and if seeing tons of naked dudes doin� it and watching Anna get embarrassed wasn�t a perfect evening enough, they had free wine and cheese there. I was quite content.

But our evening wasn�t over! After that was a fundraiser party at a beer bar for the local pirate radio station. I�ve got to know many of the people at the station by arguing with them about political shows over the last few months on their message boards. So, it was neat when I got to actually meet a couple of them in person. I also hung out with my friend Josh as well.

But our evening wasn�t even over with that! In the last hour before last calls we went over to a dance club for its electroclash night and Anna knew the ticket person and we got in free and danced our booties off. It was fun.

For nine, my lip has almost healed and once I get the smaller ring (the larger was for swelling) in I will post pictures.

For ten, I dreamt about a boy I dated before Abe. It was strange, because I don�t think I�ve ever dreamt of him before, but doing so made me become very curious about where he is, what he�s doing, and how is doing.

For eleven, my internet service�s year plan expired and so did its deal price. So, my mom cancelled it and now I have to find another one. This could mean I might be without steady internet access for awhile. I am sad.

For twelve, my readers are great people. And all those who left me comments for that last entry�I want to say thank you. Also, I didn�t write the 12 reasons (nor do I know who did), but I got so excited at its wittiness and applicability that I rushed to post it without thinking that people might give me personal credit for it. Anyway, I didn�t compose it, but I just wanted to share it with others. I am pleased to see it struck a positive note with some of you.


Dear Urban Outfitters,

I would like to pretend I hated you because you�re a corporation that peddles cheaply-sweatshop-labor-made items to the trendy masses who used to have souls but now instead have materialism for hearts. But the truth instead is that I just hate you because I love these shoes and cannot afford them. So therefore, after long hours of careful consideration, I have decided I hate you.




add a comment(2)
melanie - 2004-02-20 09:38:09
It sounds like you are having a good time and "finding yourself" (I know, it is so cliched but, hey, if it works right?). Also, I love the shoes. But you are right about Urban Outfitters. I remember when I realized how bad they were, I was living in Montreal and they were selling these Chinese (fake) silk slippers for $25 and I had been buying them in china town for $2. Nice mark-up!

tucker - 2004-02-20 16:14:38
you forgot to tell everyone about how you broke a boy's heart last week, though.