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2003-09-22|8:49 p.m.

I know! It�s like I fell off the face of the earth. Unfortunately, I came back to tell you what I�ve been doing:

- I hung out with a new friend at the local zoo. That was fun. My favorite animals to see were the pandas, the bonobos, and the two headed snake thing.

- I saw Wilco and REM together live. K took me. I loved Wilco of course and though not as familiar with REM, had a good time dancing my little butt off.

- I finally had to take MM home. I didn�t want to at all. MM could live forever with me. Our time was spent eating junk food, talking smack about republicans, and seeing movies. I know, who could bear to see a companion like that go. But he had to get back to LA to attend the ever prestigious UCLA. Blah.

- I�ve been working on a lot of arts and crafts. It�s a lot like writing in that the completion of things makes me feel better. I am a really basic human. It�s the tangible things that bring me pleasure.

- I love work and S, my boss. DFS is about as grassroots as it get when you work with non-profits. It�s always struggling and depends on the diligence of people�s hard work and charitable donations to remain alive. And it feels wonderful that I can even slightly be part of that. And S is a well of knowledge and compassion. Despite all of her time being very limited and valuable, she never hesitates to answer an unrelated question of mine and to explain to me the second time what she needs done.

- I won money at a casino playing slot machines. Normally, I hate gambling. But A�s family came to see him and took us to the local Indian casino where his dad gave us each 15 dollars. Being the miser I am, I kept 10 of it and gambled the other five. I walked away with 41 dollars.

Most of that wasn�t in the right order. Oh well.


I guess I am pissing off a lot of conservatives lately. This is one diarylander�s reaction to my Michael Moore post:

�In response to #1, Give a guy a break already...GEEZ�.yeah, okay the money goes out the window... Nothing we haven't heard before. For number one, he obviously was not laughing at 3,000 dead Americans... Back to the original statement: Give a guy a break.�

To which I responded:

�I am not sure I can ever give the guy a break. He�s sorta responsible for a lot of things being the president of one of (if not the most) powerful country in the world. I could write a pretty lengthily list of how he�s failed that job, but somehow I get the impression that it would only cause bad feelings between strangers. This is not my aim. I just wanted to point out, though, a case for Michael Moore�s #1 reason. I think George W. Bush�s inability to have intelligent public discourse with just about every kind person and about every single subject is very disconcerting as someone he represents. Let�s accept right off hand that he isn�t a heartless bastard who laughs at the deaths of thousands (which many would argue is true). The fact that he would tell such an utterly distasteful story is a really good indicator that he�s really incompetent diplomatically. Not to mention the thousands of other examples he�s given us already that diplomacy and public speaking surely are not his strong suit. And oftentimes, as a shy person, the same goes for me. However, I am not the president of the USA. And being critical of such a thing isn't overstepping any bounds in my opinion.�

And to which she responded:

�The funny thing to me is that people scrutinize every little thing that Bush does and says and yet in the case of our last president, who set a beautiful example of how to be morally bankrupt, the whole world was all to eager to let it go. Forget the adultery, no one cares about that. He still LIED UNDER OATH which is an impeachable offense no matter what the lie was about and should've been thrown out on his ear. When the chips are down, the majority of American voters have a lot of respect and admiration for the way that Bush has handled things. We'll be seeing him around for quite some time.�

To which I responded:

�I�ve been giving what you wrote back to me about Clinton some thought. Your argument has been made time and time again in the face of any republican scandal. And I think for the record, I need to say this: I wish that Clinton never got all those BJs and lied about it when asked under oath. But not really because I don�t like BJs. Contrarily, I like BJs. And not even because he lied about BJs under oath. But because no one will ever shut up about it ever again! A century from now, people will still bring up lying about oral sex in comparison to things that really should matter to us. �But Clinton lied about getting a hummer!� Call me crazy, but I got over it. What upsets me now, though?... Bush has brought us into a rather costly war through lies. LIES. Our military men continue to die and thousands of innocent Iraqis as well. Millions of jobs have been lost through one of the worst economies since the Great Depression as we dole out billions for the war effort and big business subsidies. We�ve become an isolated country among even our friends. Afghanistan was never rebuilt. Iraq never will be. Over 40 million Americans are without healthcare. Yeah, I am over the fellatio and I am really ready for a change.�

To which she responded:

�Holy Freakin' Cow, Man!!!! OH MY GOD! I haven't read the below entry in my notes and I don't know if I will because I'M TIRED OF ALL OF YOU LIBERAL ASSHOLES MAKING ASSUMPTIONS AND SNAP JUDGEMENTS WITHOUT LOOKING AT ALL OF THE GODDAM FACTS! YOU PICK OUT THE LITTLE BITS AND PIECES THAT MAKE YOUR ARGUMENT STRONG AND FUCK THE REST! That's the last time I leave a note in someone's diary when I was just randomly passing through. I don't even want to know...�

And then said this in her diary:

�I'm not even going to waste my finger muscles to continue this nonsense. You can't argue with a liberal because they have no concept of what it is to admit that they are wrong. I invite everyone to read my notes in the latest installment. I'm done... Live in your ignorant utopia of being a democrat. Enjoy your happy little world.�

The rest can be read in the actual entry here. The actual notes above are on her notes and my own.

I find it somewhat amusing that someone who describes their diary as: �Small minds discuss people; Average minds discuss events; Great minds discuss ideas�

Is this simply a warning that she is not the latter?

I like talking to people about ideas. And I think she created some fallacies that I�d love to continue to talk about. It irks me a bunch that Clinton will be the reason that every republican scandal after him will be pardoned. When do we talk about the present? When do we deal with the issues that democrat or republican affect us all? It�s funny, I didn�t even bring up Clinton. And if you knew me, you�d know I didn�t even like a great deal of his policies. I see myself as a working class citizen who demands fair rights.

I WELCOME the discussion of IDEAS.


All those interested in trading mixed tapes or cds through the mail please email me at [email protected] with your address and whether or not you want a tape or a cd. I�ll pass that information onto the person that you have been matched with within the week. And if it doesn�t bother anyone, I am going to also give your match a link to your diary so that, if they want, they can get an idea of what you�re like.

There are no rules except that you have to complete the mix and send it off before a two week span is up (is that enough time?).

These are the following people that said they were interested in participating:













If I left your name off please let me know. I�d really like to see more than this participating. Please email me, comment me, or note me if you are interested. Happy sharing!

Don�t forget to email me with your addresses even if you�re on this list!


add a comment(4)
tigerknight - 2003-09-23 22:29:42
Tell your friend: if the ship collides, the captian loses his job, whether he is responsible or not. That's the only way the military keeps their captains honest (and when a little mercy shows, then more ships start colliding). Our president should have offered to resign as soon as the immediate crisis was past--instead, he made a grab for power. As such, he is a shameless slug of a leader, though since Fox News still loves him, we must admit propaganda has its place. As for diary--Password coming right up (emailed it to your other email address)

steven - 2003-09-24 10:05:01
How was REM? Did they play any gems? I'm going to go see them out on Jones Beach next weekend (which is funny, since I've been into their stuff since '89, but only seen them play ONCE).

anotherghost - 2003-09-25 02:35:48
Thank you for your invitation to join the music swap, but I'm a bit of a slug about sending postal mail. I don't think I'm up for such a commitment. I appreciate the invite, though!

alethea - 2003-09-25 09:43:58
hi chica, i will be out of town next week and have no access to my mixin' stuff at the moment. tag me for the next round, k?