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2003-08-16|1:52 a.m.

Someone I deeply admire and adore, Verdine, sent me five questions. Of couse, not just at random, I asked her to! You see, there�s this fun game going around D-Land where someone makes up and asks another person five questions and then they answer them and post them. Then the person who posted their answers can be asked by anyone to make up five questions for them. So, if you want to play, ask me. I�ll come up with five questions for you. Remember to post the rules with your answers.

Verdine�s five fabulous questions:

1. Can you remember when music started to mean something to you beyond pretty sounds?

When I was growing up, my father would often listen to classical music like Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, etc. My mother would often listen to popular 80�s music like Madonna, Cindy Lauper, Debbie Gibson, etc. My father once told me that when I was two I recognized, as he changed the station from my mother�s choice to his own, that the classical music was �Daddy�s music.� It was more than sounds; it was the recognition of my mother and father.

But that might not count, so I wracked my brain for a time that I can remember myself that music meant something to me.

I remember I was 9 and I was given a record single of Stand By Me, by Ben E. King and I placed it on my tan colored Fisher-Price record player and I was so overcome by it that I listened to it over and over for hours. That might have been the moment.

2. If you could choose to be anyone else in your next life, whom from history or popular culture would you choose?

I asked my friend if this meant I had to put someone famous. And he said yes. I asked because if I could come back as someone of my choosing, it wouldn�t be someone famous. So, I am going to cover all grounds and rattle on.

As someone famous: This is hard for me. I doubt I could take over anyone�s famous life and do the life justice or the time in which this life was occupied. But if forced to choose, I�d come back as Frida Kahlo. I could see myself loving Diego Rivera as passionately as Frida had all the while seeing it as a curse. I could also see myself, at that time and place, fervently devoting my time and efforts to the Mexican people, politics, and the Communist Party. I could see myself crippled in pain from a terrible accident. I could see myself with many lovers, men and women. I could see myself before an easel painting the self-portraits of my story. I could see myself as Leon Trotsky�s lover. Yeah, I would relive Frida.

Someone not famous: I�d come back as an Ethiopian goddess, tall and exotic and beautiful, and would travel throughout Europe as a model. I�d see the world, have nice things, speak four languages, marry a philosopher and retire at thirty in the south of France.

That or I�d be a Cambodian fisherman married to a girl I fell in love with at 13 and die happy having fathered five beautiful children.

3. Do you remember your dreams, and if so, what are your dreams like?

I often remember my dreams. And most of the time, they are boring. The dreams involve me straightening shelves at work or listening to a boring lecture I can�t hear anyway. Very seldom do I get chased by evil and run naked through a public area. I know, how disappointing.

However, I do have a re-occurring dream in which I hover. That�s right, not fly, but hover. The dream sequence itself is not really important and changes every time. It�s more the feeling I get. When I enter this dream, I know instantly that I have the power to hover (maybe 3 feet from the ground) and no one else can. And each time it is to either show that I can to others or to put it to some useful purpose like avoiding large puddles.

4. What is your opinion of cloning?

I like science. I don�t like suffering. So, I am torn. Sorry. I actually think about it all the time. But that�s always the place that I arrive.

5. If women could grow beards, would you shave or have a beard/mustache/muttonchops?

I am going to butcher any progressive image I might have had as a woman, and say that my personal attraction to men and women is very traditional. Men are scruffy, bathe less frequently, and have muscles acquired from hard work. Women are soft, smell nice, and are demure. That is not to say that roles are permanent or expected in any sort of way. It�s just how, when stripped down to aesthetic appeal separate from all other traits, I like �em. And I place myself in that. I very much like being �feminine.�

Oh, so what was I talking about?

Oh right, whether or not I�d have facial hair or not. Hmmm. I�d have to say in the sake of wanting to be attractive to myself, I�d not. I�d shave.

However, on my men, I am very, very attracted to unkempt facial hair.


add a comment(6)
Shannon - 2003-08-17 05:22:40
I'd like to play the game.

Shannon - 2003-08-17 05:31:00
How did u get this "comment" thing on your diary anyway? Are you a paid member or something?

Crei - 2003-08-17 17:04:45
I'd like to play too, sounds fun:)

iluvtunes - 2003-08-19 16:24:59
I wanna play!! XO......Christina aka: iluvtunes

Gumphood - 2003-08-19 21:12:42
You know what's funny. I think I started this one. HAHA. How about you ask me five questions!!!! Cool!!! You can read ones that were sent to me if you want.

cat - 2003-08-20 00:14:26
i'd like to play. it sounds pretty cool.