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2003-08-10|10:07 p.m.

I�ve been gone a lot lately mostly spending time in the High Desert with old friends (which included seeing old high school friends that have married, moved, and had children) and A�s family. It�s been nice.

I put off writing because I got my ear pierced and wanted to post pictures, but I am incapable of remembering my camera to bring it from A�s house. So, I�ll hold off on posting any pictures of my new adventure in pain, and save it for another future entry.


I think I�ve established how I feel about the recall election before. I think it greatly perverts the democratic process and it makes me depressed to know that there�s nothing to do now but face it. It amazes me that 1.6 million signatures can overturn an official election of a state that is almost 36 million people large. And it is super funny to think that of the hundreds signed up (with a 3,500 buck fee and 65 signatures) we have a myriad of unqualified options ranging from Arnold Schwarzenegger to Larry Flynt to your car salesman neighbor to that watermelon smashing comedian Gallagher. But it�s also alarming to think that this is not just a joke. In fact, it�s very, very real and will soon determine the fate of the 5th largest economy in the world (and many Americans, frankly, because 1 in 8 US citizens are from this crazy state). That�s right, not only is this joke funny, but its funniness is only going to last as long as you keep your job. And that�s if you actually HAVE a job anymore.

See, because if you don�t pick an entertaining and grossly unqualified candidate you could always choose a REPUBLICAN. Which, I think people should know, is in fact the reason WHY we�re in an economic slump. Not only have Bush�s personal agendas (remember he wanted to give big business 700 BILLION dollars, but even that was too crazy for the republican dominated Senate and was cut in half) been costly on our economy and our jobs (by the way, I wish people would stop thinking that buying more crap is going to pick up the economy when all you�re doing is speeding up the process at which you get poorer and those mega-huge corporation CEOs and presidents get much, much, much richer), but republican agendas specifically haunt California today. And I have to tell you, boy, are they smart.

Republican Pete Wilson, previous to the Californian governor being recalled now, was a genius. He deregulated the energy companies of my state and put a cap on the production of more facilities until after his last term which basically crippled the state�s electricity production. I think we all remember when California was �in the dark� and was once again the subject of every late night talk shows� jokes. We never really pulled ourselves out from that slump.

And who is the fall guy? Davis. But what is scary is�most people don�t know this!!!

We�re busy people, Californians. We don�t have the time to actually research what we are told. When the dude standing outside the grocery store told us to sign something to �get your job back� or �get your children a better education� of course we signed it. Of course we want those things. So, when he told us that it was because of Davis we bore our teeth and looked to draw blood.

Or something like that, I am guessing.

Because even if Davis isn�t a good governor, which he really isn�t, Pete Wilson Part II (or Bill Simon or whatever big business whore promises us jobs and better schools) is not what people think they�re going to get. Or maybe it�s what we expect, and that�s why we want to vote for the Terminator. It�s funny and funny sometimes is better than picking among the evils.

The other part that bothers me is how wasteful all of this is. That guy Issa, who funded the recall spent over 1 million dollars to invest in Davis�s ousting. The recall election itself is going to cost millions. Campaigns cost several times that amount themselves. Yeah, while we sit here and watch this political Royal Rumble free-for-all fight (wink, to all you wrestling fans) we can sit happy knowing that though fewer and fewer of us have jobs (3.1 million jobs have been lost since Bush�s presidency, I should add) and A�s little brother, like many other kids, have to sit in combined grade classes because there aren�t enough teachers to go around.

Yeah, it�s funny and entertaining now. But, boy, it eventually gets harder to laugh.

By the way, I am voting against the recall and for Ariana Huffington in case Davis is in fact recalled. And I am also going to work the voting booths for the recall election, because although it saddens me to be part of something I feel is destructive to democracy, I still want to help give people the chance to participate in their government.

If you want to register to vote this October 7th (that is if you live in California) or to vote in the next upcoming primaries in March (that is if you are a US citizen) or you recently moved and need to be placed again in your district here is a site to register.


This action figure is as scary as Skeletor.


I decided to make a top 3 list of people (still living) for both genders in categories of their professions that I respect most. Mind you, the male lists may be based not entirely on respect alone, but I assure you, my lust is purely innocent and good-natured. By the way, narrowing the list is a difficult task.

Top 3 Male Entertainers:

Comedian, David Cross

Actor, Jake Gyllenhaal

Comedian, John Stewart

Top 3 Female Entertainers:

Actress, Maggie Gyllenhaal

Singer, Gillian Welch

Comedian, Janeane Garofalo

Top 3 Male Political Figures:

Former Governor and Presidential hopeful, Howard Dean

House Representative, Bernie Sanders

House Representative, Bob Filner

Top 3 Female Political Figures:

House Representative, Susan Davis

Political Activist and CA Governor hopeful, Ariana Huffington

House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi


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