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2003-03-10|12:09 p.m.

Oh, a disclaimer to "window scratches":

I didn�t write about the recent incident in the bus because I wanted to express some frustration I had against the man who was mentally unsound, as some concerned people have mistakenly written me. My frustration was with the general atmosphere of the whole scene. How quickly the witnesses (including myself, I suppose) were ready to either punish the man for having a disorder or pretend he wasn�t there so as to remove all personal responsibility. I was bound with helplessness and frustration that this was as good as it gets in our concern for those who are part of our community.


add a comment(2)
hodgson - 2003-03-11 11:14:06
I understood what you meant.

sati - 2003-03-12 01:08:17
if i step away from the picture, it becomes very clear that mental illness is as pervasive as consciousness itself. only our particular mental illnesses come in different forms. when i asked a mentally ill man what the benefit of yoga was on the mind he told me "to overcome least that is what you think of when you're a paranoid schizophrenic." and i laughed, not at him, but at the situation in general and the obsessively fearful world in which we live. i see illness and dis-ease less in neurotransmitter mishaps than i do in so many frightened, fixated, and vengeful minds at large.