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2002-11-13|7:47 p.m.

My life has been swamped lately with political science. Of course now, it is all I study. It is becoming all I talk about.

I still hate telling people it is my major. When I tell people, they do one of two things. Some are impressed thinking that I will go for an office or make a lot of money. This is known as the �wow, what a wise, young lady this is� expression. Funny that these are the last people I want to impress. The other reaction is disgust. This expression is �wow, what capitalistic sell out.� These people are supposed to be my kin, so to speak.

I live a life of misunderstanding.

To make things worse, perhaps, I have even been thinking about minoring in business. I just think it is something I should better understand. Especially, because it has such an influence on our political system, both nationally and internationally.

Boy, would that get some looks, eh?

What if I told everyone I was majoring in Modern-Ethnic-Women�s-Social-Artistic-Experimental-Literature? That sounds pretty now doesn�t it? I could sure save a bunch of flowers and rainbows with that one, eh? Not to dog on flowers and rainbows, I promise I am a huge fan. I just need something that I can do.

This is something I have been giving a lot of thought.

I am trying to balance my search for knowledge carefully. In some ways, I really have to keep making money a goal. This whole customer service thing just isn�t working for me. Cramps my style. And I really want to gain some knowledge that will make me a productive individual. I want to give my thanks to the rhetorical �You�.

Watching Oprah at work again, I was amazed by one of her guests. It was �Child Prodigy Day�. One boy, about seven years old, could play piano by ear magnificently well. This of course impressed me. But, it was the simple, not genius related thing that truly amazed me. He would hold concerts and donate all the money to other children in need.

Oprah asked him why he did this.

The young boy only replied, �I have, they do not.�

Let me say, despite my hardships, �I have.� I have had a beautiful life. I continue to have such.

I will play my piano long into the night.


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