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2002-10-09|5:16 p.m.

I met someone online through this website called makeoutclub. According to the very popular site, it isn�t a dating service (but people do use it for that), but really a place to meet people for anything from starting a band to making a new friend. Thinking it would be nice to make a friend here, I entered in a profile. If you want to look at it, my username is my AIM screen name, shesajarofcandy.

I�ve met a few guys mostly. They all seem nice. Today, though, I met someone that attends UCSD. I thought I�d post the very interesting conversation we had (with his permission). We argue about a point I�ve wanted to write about for some time. Something that many of my friends think I am burdened with. Perhaps, I do. I disagree entirely though, but don�t often defend myself. Here I do:

Theguyimet: are you going to law school then?

shesajarofcandy: yeah, most likely.

Theguyimet: the world needs more lawyers

shesajarofcandy: hehehe, i hope you are being sarcastic.

Theguyimet: of course

Theguyimet: i'll probably teach college math

shesajarofcandy: to be honest....i wasn't going to become a lawyer.

shesajarofcandy: but when faced with something to actually do...

shesajarofcandy: it seemed like the only thing i could do to help people (as unlikely as that may seem)

Theguyimet: help people that's classic

Theguyimet: did you ever see the movie changing lanes

Theguyimet: i apologize for the pop-culture reference

shesajarofcandy: um� no, i haven't.

Theguyimet: haha

Theguyimet: you should see that movie

shesajarofcandy: hmm, i might.

Theguyimet: it gives you a little insight into the mindset of a lawyer

Theguyimet: albeit a corrupt one

shesajarofcandy: right, i was guessing at that.

Theguyimet: so what are you into

(a long conversation about bands we like [none of them match, mind you])

shesajarofcandy: so.

shesajarofcandy: you are more than music...

shesajarofcandy: and math...?

Theguyimet: i like the arts, chess, polemics

shesajarofcandy: the simpsons have a new chess board

Theguyimet: haha

shesajarofcandy: i live with two artists

Theguyimet: oh yeah

shesajarofcandy: at least that is their majors

shesajarofcandy: one is photography and the other is film

Theguyimet: right on

shesajarofcandy: sorry for them they have to live with a future lawyer, right?

shesajarofcandy: being scum of the earth and all.

Theguyimet: yes that definitely brings them a bit closer to the gates of hell

shesajarofcandy: hehehe.

Theguyimet: didn't dante place attorneys in their 5th circle of perdition?

Theguyimet: or was it the 6th

shesajarofcandy: maybe, but if not he should've.

Theguyimet: verily

shesajarofcandy: i was a lit major

Theguyimet: excellent i love lit

shesajarofcandy: 17th cent. was going to be my area, or so i thought.

Theguyimet: hmmm

shesajarofcandy: my all time favorite author is orwell, though.

Theguyimet: i'm lukewarm on orwell

shesajarofcandy: your favorites?

Theguyimet: he had some ingenious conceptions though

Theguyimet: i wasn't a big fan of his pen if you will

Theguyimet: animal farm was a kick in the gonads for sure

Theguyimet: i like the classics mostly

shesajarofcandy: the classics?

shesajarofcandy: any in particular?

Theguyimet: homer, ovid

Theguyimet: melville, dickens, hesse, maugham, kerouac

Theguyimet: bronte, thoreau

Theguyimet: the pillars you know

shesajarofcandy: most people don't like thoreau

shesajarofcandy: i do though

Theguyimet: he was brilliant

shesajarofcandy: maybe.

Theguyimet: hmm ok

shesajarofcandy: hmm...i am reserved with that word, maybe.

shesajarofcandy: sorry.

Theguyimet: as am i

Theguyimet: but it's appropriate in this context

shesajarofcandy: good.

shesajarofcandy: it is hard for me to absorb the minimalist idea, really.

shesajarofcandy: i mean, i like the idea.

shesajarofcandy: i am just not sure that it is all possible.

Theguyimet: minimalist?

Theguyimet: naturalist you mean?

shesajarofcandy: living in the woods with a thumb nail of financial affairs.

shesajarofcandy: only the very least of what you need there

shesajarofcandy: he was not just a naturalist.

Theguyimet: i really wouldn't dub that minimalism personally

shesajarofcandy: i don't mean that is all it was.

shesajarofcandy: that is just the part that is hard for me to accept.

shesajarofcandy: i mean, he only lived there for about two years.

shesajarofcandy: that isn't a long time, is all.

Theguyimet: it's a significant period nonetheless

shesajarofcandy: yeah.

shesajarofcandy: i am not saying it isn't.

shesajarofcandy: i just like things.

Theguyimet: there's something to be said for forsaking material possessions and such

Theguyimet: to protest against the often virulent patterns established by modern society

shesajarofcandy: right.

shesajarofcandy: very admirable.

shesajarofcandy: but orwell says that things make us who we are whether or not we like it.

Theguyimet: can you elaborate on that dictum?

shesajarofcandy: well his idea comes from a feeling against communism

shesajarofcandy: he believed that the only way someone could take away who you were was to remove your history

Theguyimet: now we're talking about an entirely different topic

shesajarofcandy: maybe....but i don't think so.

Theguyimet: and communism rewrites history?

shesajarofcandy: well you wanted an elaboration on "my dictum"

shesajarofcandy: so i was going to explain why possessions are important to people

Theguyimet: right on...continue

shesajarofcandy: you said that it was notable to throw out possessions to protest society

Theguyimet: this particular society

shesajarofcandy: i am saying that orwell made a good point, in my eyes, that keeping possesions, thus keeping personal history, is actually a protest as well

shesajarofcandy: and this doesn't mean buy a shitload of nikes

shesajarofcandy: it means keep what makes you feel like you

shesajarofcandy: for me that can be pictures, music, posters, whatever.

Theguyimet: if that's how you define yourself....

Theguyimet: in terms of temporal goods

Theguyimet: so be it

shesajarofcandy: ahh, i don't think you are being fair.

Theguyimet: perhaps not

shesajarofcandy: now i am a materialistic to-be lawyer

shesajarofcandy: nice

Theguyimet: those weren't my words

shesajarofcandy: i just like having things to remember.

shesajarofcandy: i know they aren't; it is just the feeling i get.

shesajarofcandy: i can't imagine not having certain, however unimportant to my actual existance, things in my life.

Theguyimet: this isn't confrontational at all

shesajarofcandy: i know.

Theguyimet: well then you my friend have been duped by american "culture"

shesajarofcandy: hmm.

shesajarofcandy: i don't think so.

shesajarofcandy: but i doubt i will make you see otherwise.

Theguyimet: hehe ok

shesajarofcandy: you have books at home?

shesajarofcandy: pictures?

shesajarofcandy: music?

shesajarofcandy: things that you like?

Theguyimet: no i live in a box

shesajarofcandy: liar

Theguyimet: art is different

Theguyimet: is serves a function

shesajarofcandy: hmm

Theguyimet: it serves...

shesajarofcandy: it serves?

Theguyimet: forget it

shesajarofcandy: really?

shesajarofcandy: am i being confrontational?

shesajarofcandy: i applogize if i am.

Theguyimet: no it's cool

shesajarofcandy: i really don't want to make bad terms from the first person from ucsd i have met.

Theguyimet: this is not the ideal forum for debates though

shesajarofcandy: yeah.

shesajarofcandy: strangely, i don't like debates.

Theguyimet: i do actually

Theguyimet: because i'm always right

shesajarofcandy: maybe you should become the lawyer.

shesajarofcandy: hehehe.

shesajarofcandy: you have the right philosophy.

So, what I really just wanted to say was that it seems obvious to me that being materialistic is bad character. But, that is not what I am advocating. I enjoy being who I am. And I enjoy the things I like and probably the things I like establish who I am. Think about the things that you enjoy. They probably show the very elements, complex or not, that are you.

But then again, maybe, it is wrong to like who you are, I don�t know. But, I think that liking who I am doesn�t mean not being able to change. I change everyday; which actually, is part of who I am anyway. Plus, I just really like books (and own a small library). And I like passing them on. So, by having them I am able to do that.

I really don�t like that my friends with minimalist ideals keep giving me a hard time. Most of them live at home anyway. Anything they really need they can just use from their houses. I don�t have that. So, I must buy and own silly things like pots and pans and spices and dishes. These things take up space and are a pain to move, but I like being able to use them. My parents don�t even store my childhood things, so I have to lug them around. And I even enjoy that. I like looking at my parents� old pictures and such (and my own); so if my children might like to do the same with my things, I will have them.

I even remember an incident where I was buying something for someone else and I was given a hard time. This person thought they were passing on wisdom by making a critical statement about the random gift, saying that they passed affection better without material items. The person asked if I bought gifts often for this individual, to which I said yes, to their obvious disdain. And when I gave the gift (a book) to the person I give gifts to often, they loved it and it has helped them, possibly, in their future career.

So, there.

And really, the reason why I am writing this anyway is because I really just wanted to get it off my chest. I really never try to offer my feelings about it, because like in the above conversation, no one understands. So, I am sorry for complaining. I just am exhaling.


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