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2002-08-04|2:17 p.m.

Observations of San Diego from a small town girl:

-Men don�t wear shirts (my guess is that rent is so expensive that it costs the shirt off your back to have a roof over your head).

-People use the phrase, �No worries� (I have never heard this before, but MM assures me that people say it elsewhere. Even still, I am shocked to hear it several times a day).

-The freeway speed limit is 65mph but everyone drives under 55mph (meaning everyone can�t get over that Sammy Hagar hit, I Can�t Drive 55,� or they just don�t care).

-A lot fewer people mistake me for being younger than I am (either because I have matured leaps and bounds physically since I've been here or because in this place the miracles of money make women in their thirties look twenty, women in their forties look thirty, and women in their fifties look like Leather Face).

-There are a lot of men here, the ratio is said to be 3 to 1, (but they are military men. So all of them look like bulldogs with bad haircuts).

-And related to the last observation, there are a lot of airplanes overhead because of all the military bases (and like a true post-Lander�s fault line resident I jump out of my seat at the shake of every sonic boom).

-And there is also a lot of salt water (as brought up brilliantly by MM).


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