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2002-04-30|9:09 a.m.

Recently I have bought a lot of music and books. I bought about four bluegrass compilations that are quite excellent. I also bought the soundtrack for Chelsea Walls, directed by Ethan Hawke and original music by Wilco. But, I haven't been able to listen to it because I have been too busy listening to Wilco's new album, Yankee Hotel Foxtrot! Everyone is saying it is their best musical endeavor to date, but I am not one to really rank levels of perfection (hehehe). A lot of critics are agreeing that it is one of the best albums of the year, and I definitely agree with that. I also bought some Daniel Clowes comics that I have already devoured, Steal This Book that I didn't steal, Writings from Prison by Leonard Peltier, and A People's History of the United States (which has already brought me to tears).

"My mind is filled with silvery stars."

Today is the last day that all those schools that I applied to and haven't heard from have to tell me what is my status. I think even if I am accepted to any others, my choice will still be UCSD. Even still I want to find out for some final closure.

I won third place in the category of "personal narrative" in my school's annual writing contest. I guess I get 25 bucks and 3 free copies for it. What won the prize was the "ten commandments" entry in this very diary. I also entered a watercolor of George Orwell and two poems. These did not cut it I suppose. I am anxious to see the other entries that are going to be published.

Here is one of the poems I entered:


A Villanelle

Lessons in Customer Service

"Hi, how are you? Did you find everything okay?"

I ask. And I can't help but think as the 196th pays,

'I'm tired of customers; that's it, I'm running away.'

"Our customer service greeting is easy to say."

our brilliant manager instructs, "Just warmly phrase,

"'Hi, how are you? Did you find everything okay?'"

But I'm sick of smiles, Ask Me buttons and every clich�,

I'm calling in sick. Don't get it? Let me rephrase,

"I'm weary of customers; that's it, I'm running away!"

Each patron files in line, scuttling from aisles left in disarray,

to the cashiers like whirring robots who simply articulate,

"Hi, how are you? Did you find everything okay?"

Someday when college rescues me from minimum wage,

I'll forget timecards and needing to beg for a raise-

I'm weary of people; that's it, I'm running away.

But what I fear is that world on top made of higher pay.

Will I really escape? Or will my soul be sold in yet another way?

"'Hi, how are you? Did you find everything okay?'"

I'm tired of customers; that's it, I'm running away.


I am sorry J. I am an inconsiderate jerk for not calling you back.

"All my lies are always wishes. I would die if I could come back new."

Word of the Day: truckle- to act in a subservient manner/ to submit


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